18:36:22.859> Version : 18-08-2015 a 18:36:22.921> GSM2 click Test with Clicker2 PIC18F87J50 18:36:23.734> Init UART1: 9600,8,N,1 et UART2 :9600,8,N,1 18:36:26.234> Init ADC RA1 18:36:26.484> Boucle principale 18:36:26.484> 55 Bytes in Msg 18:36:26.484> INFO: 18:36:26.484> PORTB 00000000 18:36:26.546> PORTD 10000000 18:36:26.546> AN1 #967 18:36:26.546> End. 18:36:26.546> 18:36:26.734> Negoce baud rate 18:36:29.296> OK 18:36:29.546> 79 75 13 10 10 0 0 0 18:36:29.609> Negoce reussi 18:36:29.609> Echo Mode OFF (ATE0) 18:36:29.859> +CFUN: 1 18:36:29.859> 18:36:29.859> Product ID 18:36:30.171> OK 18:36:30.171> sion: M95AR01A21 18:36:30.171> 18:36:30.234> Nombre de sonnerie pour reponse automatique (ATS0=3) 18:36:30.546> OK 18:36:30.546> 18:36:30.609> Read command line termination char (ATS3?) 18:36:30.859> OK 18:36:30.859> 18:36:30.921> Read response formatting char (ATS4?) 18:36:31.171> OK 18:36:31.171> 18:36:31.234> Type of adresse (AT+CSTA=?) 18:36:31.359> OK 18:36:31.359> A: (129,145,161) 18:36:31.359> 18:36:31.421> Request International Mobile Subscribter Identity (IMSI) (AT+CIMI) 18:36:31.546> +CME ERROR: 11 18:36:31.546> 18:36:31.609> test si activation de : Calling line ID presentation (AT+CLIP?) 18:36:31.734> OK 18:36:31.734> P: (0,1) 18:36:31.796> 18:36:31.796> List of Caractere set (AT+CSCS=?) 18:36:31.921> OK 18:36:31.984> S: ("GSM","HEX","IRA","PCCP437","UCS2","8859-1") 18:36:31.984> 18:36:32.046> Operator Selection (AT+COPS=?) 18:36:32.171> +CME ERROR: 3 18:36:32.171> 18:36:32.171> Selected Operator (AT+COPS?) 18:36:32.421> OK 18:36:32.421> S: 0 18:36:32.421> 18:36:32.484> Request manufacture Identification (AT+GMI) 18:36:32.796> OK 18:36:32.796> sion: MTK 0828 18:36:32.796> 18:36:32.859> Request TA revis ID & software release (AT+GMR=?) 18:36:33.171> OK 18:36:33.171> 18:36:33.234> Request International IMEI (AT+GSN) 18:36:33.546> OK 18:36:33.546> 71014743659 18:36:33.546> 18:36:33.609> Affiche Current config (AT&V[0]) 18:36:33.921> +CME ERROR: 100 18:36:33.921> 18:36:33.984> Request complete TA capabilites Liste (AT+GCAP) 18:36:34.171> +CME ERROR: 100 18:36:34.171> 18:36:34.234> CODE PIN ? (AT+CPIN?) 18:36:34.546> OK 18:36:34.546> N: SIM PIN 18:36:34.546> 18:36:34.609> Reponse via numeric 0 ŕ 9 ou short libellé (ATV1) 18:36:34.921> OK 18:36:34.921> 18:36:34.984> AT+1 18:36:35.109> Select SMS message format (AT+CMGF[1]) text mode 18:36:35.421> +CME ERROR: 100 18:36:35.421> 18:36:35.484> Netwrok Status (AT+CGREG=[stat]) 18:36:35.796> +CME ERROR: 3518 18:36:35.859> 18:36:35.859> SIM inserted status reporting(AT+QSIMSTAT?) 18:36:36.234> +CME ERROR: 100 18:36:36.234> 18:36:36.234> Show ICCID data (AT+QCCID) 18:36:36.546> OK 18:36:36.609> 150115060073424F 18:36:36.609> 18:36:36.671> Swich On/Off detecting SIM card (AT+QSIMDET=?) 18:36:36.984> +CME ERROR: 100 18:36:36.984> 18:36:37.046> read SIM card operating voltage (AT+QSIMVOL?) 18:36:37.359> OK 18:36:37.359> MVOL:0 18:36:37.359> 18:36:37.421> test if enable to send non ascii char SMS (AT+QMGHEX=?) 18:36:37.734> OK 18:36:37.734> HEX:(0,1) 18:36:37.734> 18:36:37.796> Mobile equipment activity status(AT+CPAS) 18:36:38.109> OK 18:36:38.109> S: 2 18:36:38.109> 18:36:40.671> Query GSM network staus (AT+QNSTATUS) 18:36:40.984> 18:36:41.046> Signal quality report rssi,ber (AT+CSQ) 18:36:41.359> 18:36:41.421> Send Msg type as txt (AT+CMGF=1) 18:36:41.734> 18:36:41.734> Erasing 1rst message from inbox 18:36:42.734> OK 18:36:42.796> Send_Msg 18:36:43.046> 3 18:36:43.296> 3 18:36:43.421> BAD 18:36:44.421> OK 18:36:44.484> Read status of the messages and read message it self 18:36:44.546> OK