! rev PF 12/03/2012 ! Lancer terminal VBRAY ! test prealable en mode Commande doivent etre OK ! voir Bluetooth_click.log ! Selectionner COM2 115200,N,8,1 !connect !Hardware: !Module Bluetooth_Click Mikronicka relie a COM2 via interface RS232 DS275 !Alim 3,3V pour le module !seuls TX et RX sont connecte !Archos 43 it !Association avec Bluetooth_Click ! debug.on Prog$="_Bluetooth_Click_120312" print "Version basic : "; Version$() Device DV$ print "Device Info : "; DV$ pause 3000 type=0 ! When BT is opened, the program will start listening for another ! device to connect. At this time the user can continue to wait ! for a connection are can attempt to connect to another device ! that is waiting for a connection ! Ask user what to do array.load type$[], "Connection avec BluetoohCklick", "Continue to listen for connection", "Quitter" msg$ = "Selection du mode" debug.print 10 bt.open new_connection: select type, type$[], msg$ ! If the user pressed the back key or selected quit then quit ! otherwise try to connect to a listener debug.print 15 if (type = 0) | (type =3) print "Thanks for playing" bt.close !debug.print 16 goto fini elseif type = 1 bt.connect Debug.print 17 endif Debug.print 20 !Read status until a connection is made Do bt.status s if s = 1 print "Listening" elseif s =2 print "Connecting" elseif s = 3 print "Connected" endif pause 1000 until s =3 Debug.print "s=";s Debug.print 30 ! When a connection is made get the name of the connected device bt.device.name device$ print "connection to ";device$ Debug.print 35 Debug.print "device=";device$ ! *** Read/Write Loop **** RW_Loop: Debug.print 40 Debug.print "debut RW_loop" Do ! Read status to insure that we remain connected. ! If disconnected, program reverts to listen mode. ! In that case, ask user what to do. bt.status s if s<> 3 print "Connection perdue" goto new_connection endif ! Read messages until the message queue is empty ! boucle pour ne pas fractionner le message A1$="" MsgR$="" dr=0 do bt.read.ready rr if rr dr=1 bt.read.bytes A1$ MsgR$=MsgR$+A1$ end if until rr=0 if dr=1 print device$; ": ";msgR$ k1=k1+1 Tone 880,1000 endif ! Send a message if (dr=1) then msgE$= "Reception #" +format$("####",k1)+" *"+chr$(13) else msgE$="*" % alive !!! end if bt.write msgE$ print "Archos: "; msgE$ pause 500 until (msgR$="fin"); bt.close pause 2000 bt.open goto new_connection Debug.print "fin normale" fini: Console.save Prog$+".txt" end !OnError: Debug.print "sortie sur Erreur" Console.save "Err_"+Prog$+".txt" pause 2000 end