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The user selects the actions (read or write) on the front panel. If both are selected, the VI will write the data first, read data, and then close the VISA session that is opened to the port. This VI will wait until the specified number of bytes is received at the port. Only the number of bytes specified will be read. INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Select the serial resource and configuration parameters (baud rate, data bits, parity, stop bits, flow control). 2) Select the operations to be performed. 3) Connect the serial port to your device. If no device is available, perform a loopback test by doing one of the following. Short pins 2 and 3 on a RS-232 cable or short pin 4 to pin 8 and pin 5 to pin 9 on a RS-485/422 cable. 4) Run the VI to see the data read. (The "read string" will match the "string to write" if a loopback test was performed.) Note: The parameters set for the serial port must match the parameters of the connected instrument or device. In this example, the bytes to read parameter specifies the number of bytes that the serial port reads. If there were more bytes at the port than the number specified in bytes to read, those bytes would not be read. Also, if you specify to read more bytes than the number of bytes actually read, you might receive a timeout error message. On the block diagram, the Configure Serial Port VI sets the configuration parameters. The front panel displays the controls used to configure the basic parameters, such as baud rate, data bits, and parity. Constants configure the other parameters the user probably does not need set. After the VISA Configure Serial Port VI opens the VISA session and configures the port, the VI passes the VISA resource name to other VIs that perform operations on that VISA resource. The VISA Write function sends a command to the serial device and the VISA Read function returns data based on the command. The VISA Close function then closes the reference to the serial device. It is important to close the reference; otherwise communication through with that port through protocols other than VISA might not be possible.@gNPrPPwNPp ?* *@p Serial InstrVISA resource name@ baud rate @!write @!read@ flow control@0string to write,@0#Lecture trame mise par PIC 18F252 8    [,@0#Lecture trame mise par PIC 18F252 @0string to write7P @!Enable Termination Char (T)*@p Serial InstrVISA resource name@0 Libelle error @!status @code@0source@P error out.@p Serial InstrVISA resource name out @Perror in (no error)! @!read@timeout (5sec)@flow control (0:none)@stop bits (10: 1 bit)@ stop bits0@NoneOddEvenMarkSpaceparity (0:none) @0Format de decodage : @ data bits (8)@baud rate (57600)@ flow control@byte count (0)@0 read buffer@ return count @parity @!write@T Graphe droulant9;eDialogType.ctl!@type of dialog (OK msg:1)@0message@0 source out@0error source (" ")@ Nb Bytes ecrits@0write buffer ("")p Serial Instrb%@ baud rate@timeout (10sec)(@#termination char (0xA = '\n' = LF) @!Enable Termination Char (T)L)*+        P(,@error code (no error:0)@code out @!error?4 0/ .!    @ Bytes at Port@millisecond timer value@milliseconds to wait@ delay (ms)@ Nb de cars @!Status@ Code error @Slide@ Car de finT@<P:::=P>:??#>P 0 @Voie8 @Voie7 @Voie6 @Voie5 @Voie4 @Voie3 @Voie2 @Vitesse@NB@Perror IO@ debute au@0Chane restante PB @ code out 2@Offset apres BalayageT @B@Altitude @Voie1@ data bits PB @W @O@ Numrique        ! 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The user selects the actions (read or write) on the front panel. If both are selected, the VI will write the data first, read data, and then close the VISA session that is opened to the port. This VI will wait until the specified number of bytes is received at the port. Only the number of bytes specified will be read. INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Select the serial resource and configuration parameters (baud rate, data bits, parity, stop bits, flow control). 2) Select the operations to be performed. 3) Connect the serial port to your device. If no device is available, perform a loopback test by doing one of the following. Short pins 2 and 3 on a RS-232 cable or short pin 4 to pin 8 and pin 5 to pin 9 on a RS-485/422 cable. 4) Run the VI to see the data read. (The "read string" will match the "string to write" if a loopback test was performed.) Note: The parameters set for the serial port must match the parameters of the connected instrument or device. In this example, the bytes to read parameter specifies the number of bytes that the serial port reads. If there were more bytes at the port than the number specified in bytes to read, those bytes would not be read. Also, if you specify to read more bytes than the number of bytes actually read, you might receive a timeout error message. On the block diagram, the Configure Serial Port VI sets the configuration parameters. The front panel displays the controls used to configure the basic parameters, such as baud rate, data bits, and parity. Constants configure the other parameters the user probably does not need set. After the VISA Configure Serial Port VI opens the VISA session and configures the port, the VI passes the VISA resource name to other VIs that perform operations on that VISA resource. The VISA Write function sends a command to the serial device and the VISA Read function returns data based on the command. The VISA Close function then closes the reference to the serial device. It is important to close the reference; otherwise communication through with that port through protocols other than VISA might not be possible. communication instrument serial transmitters receivers visa control write read RS-485 RS-232 basic 3113 4290 LabVIEW LabVIEW LabVIEW AllSerial PCI-232 PCI-8430 PCI-8432 PXI-8420 PXI-8422 PXI-8430 PXI-8432 PCMCIA-232 AT-232 USB-232 ENET-232 PCI-485 PCI-8431 PCI-8433 PXI-8421 PXI-8423 PXI-8431 PXI-8433 PCMCIA-485 AT-485 USB-485 ENET-485 NI.LV.ALL.VILastSavedTargetP0DfltNI.LV.ALL.goodSyntaxTargetsP0 @Dflt LocalizedP&@0Localization Status (string)Localizeu(L 9B@n====9B?     $$, I%TahomaTahomaTahoma00 Comic Sans MS100RSRC LVINLBVW! 4LVSRBDPWRTSGLIviCONPTM80DFDSLIdsVICD$vers8DLDRLFPTD`CPMptSTRGICONicl8CPC2DTHPLIfpTRecPICClSTR FPHbFPSELIbd$BDHb8BDSELVITS`MUIDtHISTPRT FTABx&8'888$8D;; CDhHlIXQRRtRSSpST, T T U4 U UVDVWWtWXXdXYYTYYZPZ Z![<"[#[$\D%\&\']4(])]*^0+^|,^-_$2_p4_5`6`d;`=`>aT?a@aAbDBbCbDc@EcFcGd0HdIdJe0Ke|NeOf0PfQfRg0SgWgXhYhhZh[i\id]i^j_j``jakbkXckdlel`flgmhmTimjmknHlnmnnoLooppqpLrpsq$tquqvr0xr|yrzs4{s|t$}tp~tuu`uvv`vvwDwwx(xtxy yXyyz<zz{ {l{||P||}P}}~D~|0<04td X .0/@0P1`3p789:<LMTUVw tߐߜH(